Acceptable Use Policy


You agree to maintain your account, website and email practices in full compliance with the terms set forth below and their spirit. Failure to so comply is cause for immediate suspension and/or termination of your account at the sole option of Company.

  1. You agree that you will not violate the laws, regulations, ordinances or other such requirements of any applicable Federal, State or local government. 
  2. You agree not to take any action which threatens, encourages or causes any harm to minors of any kind or to perform any activity which is likely to cause such harm or which assists any other person or group in doing so. 
  3. You agree not to take any action which encourages or consists of any threat of harm of any kind to any person or property or assists any other person or group in doing so.
  4. You agree not use your account, knowingly or otherwise, to permit the violation any provision of the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM ACT) including any of the following:
  5. False or Misleading Header Information
    b. Deceptive Subject Lines
    c. Failure to provide an opt-out method
    d. Failure to Identify the message as an advertisement
    e. Failure to include a physical Postal Address
    f. Sending over 400 email messages in any 1-hour period

  6. You agree not to make any inappropriate communication to any Newsgroup, Mailing List, Chat Facility, or other Internet Forum. Company shall make the sole determination of what is “Inappropriate”.
  7. You agree not use your account to host pornographic content.
  8. You agree not to use your account to host sites principally engaged in gambling, gaming, lotteries or contests. Legal contests as to sites not primarily engaged in the business of offering contests are permitted where they comply with US and applicable State law.
  9. You agree not to make or attempt any unauthorized access to any Company website or the website of any Company customer.
  10. You agree not to infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, the unauthorized copying of copyrighted material, the digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books, or other copyrighted sources, and the unauthorized transmittal of copyrighted software. 
  11. You agree not to collect or attempt to collect personally identifiable information of any person or entity without their express consent. You shall maintain records of any such consent throughout the term of any agreement that you have with Company and for three years thereafter.
  12. You agree not to undertake any action which is harmful or potentially harmful to the Company server structure. Harmful action would include but not be limited to (a) any attempted unauthorized access to areas of a shared server not assigned to you and (b) overutilization of server resources in a shared server environment. Overutilization is in the discretion of Company. By way of example only, please see Overutilization in the Company WiKi.
  13. You agree that your use of the Company hosting servers (other than dedicated plans) is limited to the use of server space and resources by one customer for the operation of personal or business websites only. Storage of data or materials unrelated to the active operation of web sites is strictly prohibited. Company offers other plans intended to accommodate increased storage for unrelated files.
  14. You agree that the Company servers including the space occupied by your account is and remains the property of Company. Your limited license to use the service is not subject to lease, sublease or any other sharing or transfer without the specific, express consent of Company. You may not make your account (including but not limited to web space, email accounts, bandwidth, storage space, or reseller rights) available to any third party in any way, including but not limited to the use of Sub Domains, Add-on Domains, Sub Directories, or by any other means.
  15. You agree not to run a banner exchange, free adult tgp (thumbnail gallery post) and/or free adult image galleries on your website. You understand and agree that shared server space is for business and personal website functionality only and not for mass data storage. By way of example only, please see Mass Data Storage in the Company WiKi.
  16. You agree not to utilize “circular popups”, “multiple popups” or any redirect, link or referral which creates an offensive or unpleasant user experience.
  17. You agree not to abuse whether verbally or physically or whether in person, via email or telephone or otherwise (a) any other customer of Company (b) any reseller of Company (c) any other person or (d) any employee or contractor of Company.
  18. Any determination as to whether this policy has been violated shall be made solely by and at the sole discretion of Company. This policy may be amended by Company at any time without notice to you by posting the new policy in this location. Such new policy shall become effective immediately upon such posting for all accounts. It shall be your obligation to check this page regularly for updates to this policy.